The development of Cold Atmospheric Plasma for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers

Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) is a disease with a considerable mortality rate. According to statistics, it reaches 3.9% of annual deaths that have to do with non-communicable diseases. This seriously affects the quality of life of patients, being a disease with multiple consequences difficult to treat with traditional methods.

Lower extremity ulcers are often associated with the recurrent diabetic foot syndrome (DFS), which can lead to health complications, such as a long healing processes, regular infections or amputations. Diabetic foot treatments usually cost more than $ 27,000 for two years of care, which has prompted more research and studies to find viable alternatives or further treatment options.

According to recent studies published in Nature and developed by universities and startups in the fields of science and engineering, cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) technology reduces the bacterial load of chronic wounds. Boosting (CAP), which is ionized helium gas in the ambient air, accelerates the healing of diabetic foot ulcer wound. Plasmawise has been developing technology of (CAP) for several years, producing the portable device pWISE for the treatment of diabetic ulcer bacterial shrinkage. 

The portable battery-operated pWISE plasma device incorporates an electrode that works with Surface Micro Discharge (SMD) technology and uses the surrounding air for plasma production. The device is designed for portable use and therefore incorporates the high voltage (HV) power supply for plasma generation.

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